
celtic willow tree meaning

Willow Tree Symbolism and Celtic Meaning According to the Ancient Ogham The Celtic meaning of willow has a long history of symbolism associated with metaphysical and ritual practices. Salix alba. One of the most valuable traits of the willow tree is its flexibility. Birds: Hawk, Snowy Owl. Stone: Moonstone. Element: Water. Their intuitive powers and sharp awareness allow them to shine and go on to live a successful life. Willow roots growing from even the smallest twig left in water. The willow tree is one of the few trees that is capable of bending in outrageous poses without snapping. In their creation story, the willow's branches contained two scarlet sea-serpent's eggs which contained the Sun and Earth. Color: Silver There are references to the willow tree in Celtic and Christian tradition, among others. Fifth month of the Celtic Tree calendar, April 15th - May 12th. Celtic Willow Astrology Sign: April 15 – May 12 Ogham Letter: Saílle About the Celtic Willow Tree: In Celtic mythology, the willow was sacred to the Triple Goddess. According to the Celtic Lunar Zodiac, written by Helena Paterson, those of us born under the sun signs of Aries/Taurus—from April 15th to May 12th –were also born under the Celtic Lunar Sign of The Willow Tree … A symbol That Spring has come, it is the first tree to flower in Spring, so loved by bees, and the last tree to lose its vibrant colour in Autumn. Fifth consonant of the Ogham alphabet - Saille Planet: Moon. The term Willow has Celtic origins and its meaning is “near the water”. Celtic Willow tree zodiac people have the strength to deal with an incredible amount of change in their lifetime. Tree of Enchantment, Tree of Witcheries. Willow Willows which by water stand Ease us to the Summerland. Strengths Of This Druid Zodiac. This can be a powerful metaphor for those of us seeking recovery or a spiritual path. Celtic Ogham Symbol For the Willow Tree. Symbolism: Resonance and Harmony. The Celtic Lunar Zodiac The Willow Tree, `Saille April 15th – May 12th by Treasa ©. Both from a purely symbolic and natural point of view, the Willow is strongly linked to the element of water and the magic ingrained in it. The Willow tree sign Celtic Ogham word is Saille.. Willow Tree Symbolism in Different Cultures. Saille, Seille, S – Willow is the fourth letter of the ogham alphabet ‘Saille’ and the fifth month of the Celtic tree calendar. Although many Celtic stories and legends are incredibly tragic, in the case of the willow the Celts preferred to focus not on adversity, but instead on celebrating the Willow for its unmatched capacity for healing and new growth..

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