
google analytics reports tutorial

You’ll also learn how to find out where you’re losing valuable traffic via 404 pages and get a tip for reclaiming that traffic. #1: Open the Source/Medium Report For each person or group, select the access (permissions). In diesem Artikel erkläre ich dir ausführlich, was Google Analytics ist, wie du es auf deiner Website einrichtest, was es dabei zu beachten gibt und wie es dir hilft, deine Website und dein Unternehmen zu optimieren. Das bedeutet, dass ich für einige Produkte, die du über diese Seite kaufst, eine kleine Provision abbekomme. The reason you’re searching for this phrase is that the title of the 404 page normally is “page not found.” If your 404 page doesn’t say this, it will say something else so search for that here instead. We’re going to start with the source/medium report. Now you can see what people typed in if they didn’t find what they were looking for. Live-Ansicht Außerdem kannst du sogar LIVE sehen, wie viele Besucher gerade, wo auf deiner Website unterwegs sind. Learn how to become the recognized expert in your industry—with Michael Stelzner! Tired of struggling with Google Analytics to find the data you need? Ganz einfach! If you look in the Campaign column below in the re-action section, you can now see the Win campaign along with some other campaigns. If you want to change that, click the name in the upper left and enter a new name. For example, when I selected my Lead goal below in the re-action section, the report shows me which traffic sources are sending in leads and the number of leads I’m getting from those traffic sources. Not only that, but you can also see which user devices are the most popular in your market and you can learn where your website trends on a global scale. Weitere Hinweise zum Datenschutz Weitere Infos zur datenschutzkonformen Nutzung von Google Analytics in Deutschland findest du ebenfalls bei eRecht24, in folgendem Artikel: Artikel lesen. You can let other editors add this data source to reports by sharing it with them. You can fine-tune the data source by renaming or disabling fields, adding calculated fields, and changing the aggregation and data type. The source/medium custom report will help you see which traffic sources are actually creating leads, and the All Pages custom report will help you figure out where you’re losing valuable traffic. None of that is true. Google Analytics kann aber noch viel mehr! The good news is that it’s easy to save your custom report in Google Analytics. Du musst dir erstmal ein Google Analytics Konto einrichten. To open it, go to Acquisitions > All Traffic > Source/Medium. In the pop-up window, type in a descriptive name for your report and click OK. 2. Tired of struggling with Google Analytics to find the data you need? Hier siehst du genau, welche deiner Seiten am häufigsten besucht werden. Ich bin dir dankbar für jegliche Unterstützung. You’ll see how you can go from feeling like a small voice in a crowded industry to building your authority with confidence. Dann den entsprechenden Tracking-Code kopieren und in den Header oder Footer deiner Website einbauen. These were all broken links. By getting on more podcasts. The Analytics Tracking Code can collect which of the following? In my case, I started to notice that people were looking for our tools so we decided to change what our 404 page looks like. You'll see how you can go from feeling like a small voice in a crowded industry to building your authority with confidence. Danach folgen andere Seiten und Blog-Artikel. This google analytics tutorial for dummies will talk about the most used and simple reports available in the console. From the first drop-down menu shown below in the re-action section, select Include, and in the second menu, select Campaign. *Diese Seite beinhaltet Affiliate-Links.

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