
saiga antelope

The CMS Saiga MOU is the only international instrument for the conservation of the Critically Endangered Saiga antelope. The horns sell for as much as $150 USD and poachers and smugglers have contributed to the extinction of this animal in China. N ↓ Saïga au sanctuaire naturel Stepnoi: État de conservation. Saïga. The saiga is an antelope from Central Asia. In addition to horns, saiga antelope meat and skin are exported annually from Kazakhstan. The horn is used as an extract or powder additive which is mixed into elixirs, drinks and ointments for various remedies. Depending on the sex and age, saiga antelopes can weigh between 57 and 152-pounds. En hiver, le manteau devient plus épais et plus longs. Although the rhinoceros horn has a greater value, following the banning of its use, saiga horn became the logical and affordable alternative in many recipes used in traditional Chinese medicine. La caractéristique la plus frappante de la saïga est sa grosse tête avec un énorme nez mobile qui pend au-dessus de sa bouche. Traditional Chinese medicine has been responsible for the demand for saiga antelope horns. Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site. Sous-espèces Statuts A cheetah can go from 0-60 mph in 3 seconds. Bienvenue dans le Monde des Mammifères is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz Diaporama, Steppes herbacées, savanes et brousses tempérées, Année : 2008 – Critères : A2acdCatégories et critères IUCN 3.1, Si vous connaissez d’autres parcs animaliers français possédant cette espèce, merci de m’adresser un mail. The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), also known as the Bonn Convention, is an environmental treaty of the United Nations that provides a global platform for the conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial, aquatic and avian migratory animals and their habitats. ), Third Meeting of the Signatories to the Saiga MOU (MOS3), Workshop on the Implementation and Coordination of the Saiga Antelope (Saiga spp.) Herbes, lichens, plantes contenant du sel. The long-term vision of the Medium-Term International Work Programme under the MOU is to restore saiga populations to the point that sustainable use can again be envisioned. They have an unusual hanging nose, which makes them look like a camel, although they are goat-sized, and male saigas have horns. The estimated value at the time was over $11-million USD. Tel. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre « Saïga » réexpédie ici. A total of 66 cases were seized containing a total of 2,351 saiga antelope horns. Biologie They also have a large head that has a bulging shape. La taille des groupes est variable : plus de 200.000 animaux se regroupent dans les migrations du printemps, tandis que dans les troupeaux d’été il y a 30-40 individus. There are less than 20,000 mature saigas in the world. Les mâles ont une paire de longues cornes semi-translucides de couleur cire, presque verticales et annelées sur les deux tiers inférieurs. Saiga antelope also have long, spindly legs that aid in their speedy travel. Immediately following the signature by the third State; open for signature indefinitely, will become effective for each subsequent Range State on the date of signature. La Saïga s’est éteinte en Chine dans les années 1960 et en Ukraine au 18ème siècle. Elle a de longues jambes grêles et un corps un peu robuste. mongolica (Saïga de Mongolie – Bannikov, 1946 – endémique de l’ouest de la Mongolie),,,,,,,, Les Saïgas habitent généralement les steppes arides ouvertes et les prairies semi-désertiques. Pour le fusil, voir Saïga fusil semi-automatique. It was under the auspices of the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (the Bonn Convention). La période de reproduction dure de fin novembre à fin décembre. Actuellement, il y a une population en Russie (Kalmoukie) et trois au Kazakhstan, bien qu’en hiver, certains animaux atteignent l’Ouzbékistan et même le nord du Turkménistan. (+49 228) 815 2449, Contact, This site is maintained by the CMS Secretariat © 2019, CMS Secretariat, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn, Germany. The MOU aims to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for saigas based on the best available scientific information and taking into account the socio-economic value of saigas for the people of various countries. Є. O. S. ré. Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). This is incredibly worrying considering there used to be about 1 million of them 40 years ago. About 45 to 80 square decimeters of skin can come from a single saiga antelope, depending on age and sex.

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