
bush viper facts

Their tails are able to support their entire … That, coupled with the riveting colors of this snake make it a true specimen. Without treatment, a bite from the African bush viper is usually fatal. Body of spiny bush vipers is covered with scales that are heavily keeled on a dorsal side of the body. Unlike other vipers, the eyes are oval, large, and surrounded by at least a dozen circumorbital scales. Spiny bush vipers are 6 inches long at birth and have dark green bodies covered in wavy stripes. The bite and venom of the African bush viper has not been well studied. Spiny bush vipers are small snakes that can reach 18 to 23.6 inches in length. To avoid predation, the African bush viper uses camouflage to blend in with the environment. Amount and strength of the venom depend on the age of snake, geographic region, altitude and even weather. The courtship is a nocturnal activity. on Top 10 Slender Glass Lizard Facts – The Lizard With No Legs? These vipers have strong, prehensile tails. In the long run, the snake helps control infestation by various mammals including rodents. It’s best practice to not own one at all. Unlike many reptiles in across the globe, Common Bush Vipers actually give birth to live young, and not eggs. However, you can sometimes find a few of the snakes in various zoos. Spiny bush vipers reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 to 3 years. The snake is a versatile tree climber and it often hangs from the tree branches and vines, waiting for prey to pass by. They are so good at climbing that they are very easily able to reach the upper parts of different flowering bushy plants.This is also the place where it spends most part of the day, because they love to spend time in the sun. Like many snakes, it is heterothermic meaning it can switch between homeothermic and poikilothermic status depending on the climate and its metabolic activity. Luckily, people rarely visit isolated and remote habitats of Central Africa where spiny bush viper can be found. Thanks for reading! During the early morning, it may be seen hanging off the tree limbs basking in the sun. For those who decide to keep this reptile as a pet, one must provide the same tropical humid climate that the reptile is familiar with. These vipers have strong, prehensile tails. Females are larger than males. Snakebite may be fatal for humans because antidote for this venom doesn't exist. Interesting Spiny bush viper Facts: Spiny bush vipers are small snakes that can reach 18 to 23.6 inches in length. If you’re considering buying one of these as a pet, be warned. Top 10 Mexican Alligator Lizard Facts – A Very Beautifully Green Lizard. But, don’t be fooled by it’s cuteness and smallness. They lay in wait, and once their prey gets close enough they attack, injecting their venom to subdue their prey. The gestation period is about 2 months after which she will give birth to 2-12 live younglings. While it usually hunts for prey while in trees, it will also actively seek prey while on the ground. The documentation of the African bush viper lifespan is poor. From location, diet, to 8 stunning photos of the Hairy bush viper, we’ve covered it all. This viper grows up to 18 – 24 inches (46 – 60 cm). Unlike other vipers, the Spiny bush viper does not have heat-sensing pits but instead relies on vision, olfactory, and vibratory senses to detect prey. Most bites occur when people unsuspectingly walk into forested areas where the snake resides or stamp on the reptile. The African Bush viper is a nocturnal reptile. If cornered or threatened, it will assume a strike position with the upper part of its body extended above ground. Spiny bush vipers can survive 10 to 12 years in the captivity. The snake plays a vital role in the ecosystem by controlling the number of rodents and limiting the spread of disease. Humans do not usually come into contact with the reptile unless they venture into its habitat. Brightly colored spiny bush vipers (yellow, red or grey) are rarely seen in the wild. This serves as a warning sign to other threatening animals. They are sometimes captured for food by humans, but only when they encroach on fishing or agricultural activities. The females tend to be slimmer and a few inches longer. Even still, some people do like to own dangerous snakes as pets. However, early in the morning, it basks along the tree branches. Prehensile Tails. The nose is a tiny slit and again separated by a row of scales from the eyes. Common Bush Vipers have keeled scales that stick up, that often look like little leaves. Your email address will not be published. In fact, humans kill the viper out of unreasonable fear. It is not usually kept as a pet. It prefers solitude and passivity. The nose openings are partly divided and lateral in position. Brightly colored spiny bush vipers (yellow, red or grey) are rarely seen in the wild. Top 10 Common Bush Viper Facts – The Snake that Looks like a Dragon? In captivity, the reptile is known to live 15-20 years because there is no risk of predation. If the snake is let alone, it will not attack humans. Best to leave these feisty snakes alone! In fact, the African bush viper will also prey upon its own kind. The female will only reproduce once a year, usually during the wet season (May to August). When competing for a female, the male will try and make himself larger by lifting the body upright. They have yellow or pale olive belly. Top 10 Slender Glass Lizard Facts – The Lizard With No Legs? Spiny bush vipers are usually green, olive green, bluish or brownish in color. There are three subspecies of spiny bush viper that differ in color, size and type of habitat where they can be found. The complete mating cycle of the reptile is not known but one feature is known, these vipers are seasonally monogamous. Mating season of spiny bush vipers takes place in October. They spend most of their days lounging up in the vegetation since they are arboreal snakes, and sometimes soak up the sun, while moving lower down to hunt during the night. It’s actually one of the most unique snakes in the world, given it’s ‘hairy’ look. It’s far better to opt into a less dangerous, more friendly, nonvenomous snake. The young African bush vipers have a different skin color compared to adults. The African bush viper is not a threatened species but its numbers have declined over the past several decades. Common Names: African Bush Viper, Leaf viper, Variable Bush Viper, Green Bush Viper, Common Bush Viper, Geographic Range: West and Central Africa, Life Span: 10 – 20 years, possibly longer in captivity. The exact number of African bush viper bites to humans is not known, but the numbers are not minuscule. Share They come in lots of different colors the more vibrant the colors are the rarer it … Without treatment, a bite from the African bush viper is usually fatal. Top 11 Common Collared Lizard Facts – The Lizard That Can Stand On Its Hind Legs? Before the attack, spiny bush snake curls its body in the shape of a letter S. Spiny bush viper produces strong venom which induces severe bleeding of internal organs. Most preys are not able to get away from the African viper strike, which is lightning fast. Even the spacing between the eyes is separated by 6-9 scales. Young snakes attain adult coloration at the age of 3 to 4 months. Once it sees the prey within range, it makes a very quick strike and within a minute the prey is dead. It has a gland located on the upper jaw, which supplies venom to its tubular, long, and hollow fangs. Pretty cool! It has several different names, and is quite the incredible looking snake. Enjoy this article? The newborns measure 4-6 inches in length and have all the features of the adult viper except the size. The female African bush viper will carry the unborn young inside her abdomen. The fully grown adult bush viper will grow to a length of about 24-36 inches. Required fields are marked *, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Bush vipers are severely venomous, and a bite from them is potentially lethal. Besides humans, other predators of the viper include other snakes, birds, and larger fish. And if you do, be sure to keep it in a separate building other than your main dwelling. For the same reason, exact number of remaining spiny bush vipers in the wild is unknown. The reptile will grow to a length of about 24-36 inches with the females slightly longer by a few inches compared to the males. Also, leave a comment below and let us know what you think. The African Bush viper (Atheris hispida) is a venomous reptile species located in East and Central Africa. The prime reason for the decrease in numbers includes urbanization, deforestation, and human killings. Spiny bush viper is an ambush predator. Spiny bush viper is venomous snake native to Africa. While extensive studies on its venom have not been done, some studies indicate that the venom is primarily neurotoxic- meaning it damages the nerves. It is a small to medium-sized viper with a rough-looking appearance caused by its keeled dorsal scales. To attract prey the snake will sometimes use its colored scales on the tail to lure in unknowing critters. on Top 10 Cat Gecko Facts – the gecko with a cat tail? Compared to other snake species, it has larger eyes and has elliptical pupils. The body is covered by keeled, overlapping scales. Like all vipers, the African bush viper hunts and eats live prey. Nevertheless, this post covers the species in depth. They actually have quite good vision. They have yellow or pale olive belly. The growth of the baby bush viper is initially fast but as the snake approaches 24 months, the growth slows down. Common Bush Vipers are an ambush predator. Very few snakes have keeled scales like this species. The African bush viper like most other vipers is a nocturnal creature. Plus, there should be no compromise on safety; a solid lid with a lock is necessary to ensure that the snake does not escape. Bush Vipers most common home is in the rainforests throughout parts of Africa, where the thick vegetation they prefer is plentiful. Females do not mate until they are nearly 3-4 years old but males start to mate after 24 months. In fact, it’s one of my all time favorite snakes. Males have long and slender bodies compared to the more stout bodies of females. Spiny bush viper is nocturnal creature (active during the night). Their tails are able to support their entire body weight while they are suspended from a branch or twig. The snake thrives in the dense humid and wet forested areas in these countries. The snake swallows the dead prey after it injects the victim with venom. Despite its relatively small size, the African bush viper carries a punch with its bite. on 10 Beautiful Ball Python (Python Regius) Morphs. n most cases, the adult snake ambushes its prey with a high success rate. Return to top. The African Bush viper is both arboreal and terrestrial, meaning it thrives both on the ground and trees. Tail of spiny bush vipers is prehensile. The African bush viper has a wide habitat ranging from the sea level forests, dense woods, and knee-high vegetation in the foothills and lowlands of the mountain forests.

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