
gaboon viper diet

The Gaboon viper is the heaviest viper that possesses the longest fangs up to 2.2 inches (5 cm) in length. Cai, did you really buy a Husky for $50? They are also one of the most beautiful of all snakes. Most gaboon vipers reside in the rainforest, or surrounding woodlands, where they most often remain in low altitudes rather than mountainous regions. While at the zoo their diet is made up of mainly mice and rats depending on the size of the viper. In my mind I thought well this would be amazing to have a best friend for life whom I can spend all day with and take to work. However, they are not particularly active, so the enclosure doesn’t have to be quite as large as a similarly sized, active, snake might need. Can discuss price if you are interested!". CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) Gaboon vipers are the largest vipers in the world, reaching lengths of up to 7 feet (213 cm) and more than 22 lbs. Other symptoms include uncoordinated movements, soiling yourself, swelling of tongue and eyelids, heart damage, unconsciousness, and bruising and necrosis. Because they are such large snakes, they do require a somewhat extensive habitat. Most snakes strike and release, but this viper holds on until its prey dies. Their colouration can include various gorgeous colours such as light and dark browns, pinks, purples, yellows, blacks and even silvers. The exotic pet industry is booming, especially as people begin to see pets as an extension of themselves. The winner gets breeding rights to the females. Despite the fact that Gaboon Vipers are venomous, some of the are kept as pets by experienced reptile owners. Powered by Vocal © 2020 Jerrick Ventures LLC. Gaboon Vipers can be found in rainforests and the wet areas of Central, East, and sometimes West Africa. six feet long (1.8 m). On snapchat I saw a mutual friend post a picture of a sweet furry critter. They are not quick to aggression, and prefer hiding in the leaf litter to actively moving about. Then Neil laughed and laughed. This species spends three-quarters of its time in ambush, sitting quietly within the leaf litter. Most bites occur when the snake is stepped on before it has an opportunity to get away. Due to the laziness and sluggishness of Gaboon Vipers, the main cause of bites are due to people accidentally stepping on the snake. Females can have 50 to 60 babies at a time. He said, "There you are! As ambush predators, they lie quietly and wait for prey to pass by them, relying on their camouflage to keep them hidden. They are terrestrial snakes, meaning they can be found most often on the forest floor. They only very rarely bite humans. In fact, owning any venomous snake is a bad idea. No subspecies are currently recognized. In a zoological setting, keepers must take extreme care when handling or interacting with this animal. They also have two small “horns” set in between their nostrils, though I wouldn’t observe them that closely if you suspect you have crossed paths with a gaboon viper! Breeding: The young, 15-60 in number, are born alive after a gestation period of approximately 170 days. In addition to its unwillingness to bite, the viper can control whether it injects venom and how much, so the result of a strike can range from no effect to rapid death. They may occasionally also be found in various swamps and other areas of water. In the wild their strikingly marked bodies are near impossible to see among the ground and leaf litter. Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute 3001 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20008, PO Box 37012 He laughed in that little kid laugh that was instantly infectious. Then, right before you got home, I dug out all of the folded laundry and rolled in it. " Don’t assume it is a venomous species, and don’t attack it if it doesn’t pose a threat to your safety. They have relatively short tails for their bodies, with broad triangular heads and a narrow neck. They eat small and medium-sized mammals and birds. However, when they feel threatened, they will hiss and flatten their heads. This striking pattern is excellent camouflage in the snake's native habitat, helping it blend into the leaf litter on the forest floor. Most bites occur when the snake is stepped on before it has an opportunity to get away. To give a brief description of where I was at in life, I was working a 9-5 full time job where pets were welcomed at all times. g. gabonica) and the West African Gaboon Viper (Bitis g. rhinoceros). Light and dark lines radiate from around its small eyes. However some have been found near stables, implying they are possibly out looking for mice. Diet and Nutrition. This handsome animal with such striking features is undoubtedly docile which accounts for the very low incidence of bite amongst humans. While at the zoo their diet is made up of mainly mice and rats depending on the size of the viper. These reptiles are notoriously docile, and even lazy. The largest individuals have heads nearly 6 inches (15 centimeters) across at their widest point. She will give birth to live young, and clutches can contain several dozen babies. As soon as he saw me, his face lit up. Tell your friends and family about the eco-services that snakes provide, such as keeping rodent populations in check. I always answered him, "No, I terrorized the cat and blamed him for eating all of the treats. Gaboon Vipers are popular attractions at zoos due to their size and appearance, and general docile behaviour. Their range is concurrent with rainforest growth. Occasionally, they have been known to go after larger prey, such as mongoose, hares and even monkeys. Obvious care and precaution are needed if you were to own this snake, and they should only be handled by hooks—adults may even need two hooks! My owner is moving away and needs a loving new family. After mating, the female has an incubation period of seven months. In some areas they also roam through agricultural areas and plantations. A Gaboon viper will lie perfectly still on the forest floor, camouflaged beneath the leaf litter. They require a good chunk of space due to their large size, and will require close watching as many of these animals for sale are wild caught and may contain parasites. I got into the dirt and tracked it all over the carpet. They group the species into “true,” pit, and Fea’s Vipers. Diet of the Gaboon Viper These snakes are carnivores, and feed on a variety of birds and mammals. Diet. It is actually quite rare for gaboon vipers to interact with humans. The Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica) is a viper species found in the rainforests and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa. You can help us by donating to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute’s Emergency Fund today.

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