
mountain tapir

The mountain tapir, also known as the Andean tapir or woolly tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) is the smallest of the four widely recognized species of tapir. The population size of the species is currently unknown, although the IUCN reports a total of 2500 individuals and decreasing. [10], Newborn mountain tapirs weigh about 5.4 to 6.2 kg (12 to 14 lb) and have a brown coat with yellowish-white spots and stripes. This adaptation makes them well suited for moving quickly through the thick underbrush of sub-tropical mountainsides. However, the modern species most likely originated in the Andes, some time after this early migration. During the wet season, mountain tapirs tend to inhabit the forests of the Andes, while during the drier months, they move to the páramo, where fewer biting insects pester them.[11]. During courtship, the male chases the female and uses soft bites, grunts, and squeals to get her attention, while the female responds with frequent squealing. . Mountain tapir ancestors arrived into South America, once the connection with North America was established during the Pliocene epoch (around 3 MYA). Their prehensile noses with long snouts, odd-and-even-toed hooved feet and furry, bear-shaped bodies make this unique species look like something out of a children’s . Agriculture and cattle raising strongly depend on a permanent supply of fresh water and many farmers still depend on firewood for cooking and heating. You can also visit our Support Us page to learn more about how to join us in our efforts to protect and conserve the endangered mountain tapir. Treat yourself and your fellow animal lovers to an experience of a lifetime! Genetic studies have shown that mountain tapirs diverged from its closest relative, the Brazilian tapir, in the late Pliocene, around three million years ago. Local groups are now specialized on infrared camera sampling techniques and we establish a dialogue in which our academic knowledge is combined with empiric knowledge of the local inhabitants to perform an efficient work that turns into faster answers to our research questions. Mountain tapir is considered an endangered species, mostly because its remaining habitat has been drastically reduced while humans colonize the most remote places in the Andean mountains. The main morphological traits of mountain tapirs are a dark and hairy coat, white lips and a bald area in the rump, more conspicuous in mature individuals. A synthesis about Tapirus pinchaque was prepared by the IUCN. Mountain tapirs are generally crepuscular, although they are more active during the day than other species of tapirs. [11], Predators of mountain tapirs include cougars, spectacled bears, and, less commonly, jaguars.[5]. It also seeks out natural salt licks to satisfy its need for essential minerals. Whether given as a gift or used to celebrate a favorite species, symbolic adoptions come with a variety of benefits only adoptive parents can enjoy. It’s no secret that Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is home to rare and unique animals.

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