
neutron star facts

Any ideas of life are, it’s true, no more than amusing thought experiments. As you venture beneath the crust, you find atoms which are heavier and heavier. If you find yourself at a dinner party with a physicist, it’s best to avoid using it. Some have even suggested cores of strange matter or quark degenerate matter. Nr.3 In fact, scientist say that kind of mass is packed within a diameter of 24 to 26 kilometers. Because of the extreme mass of Neutron Stars they have surface gravity higher than that of Earth by 1011 times. The most popular ones are Pulsars and Magnetars. These nameless elements would fall apart in nanoseconds on Earth, but inside neutron stars, they’re kept stable by the intense pressures. One interesting effect of such harsh gravitational fields is gravitational lensing. I’m intrigued (and I do love retro sci-fi). Just a superfluid of degenerate matter. Pulsars, by the way, are all neutron stars. It was a fun excursion, worth reading if you like thinking about that sort of stuff. Neutron Stars are known to spin several times in a single second. I’d like to get copies of Starquake and Dragon’s Egg too – assuming I don’t have them already in the back of my closet. 9. #2 confuses me a bit, mostly cause I can’t figure out how something CAN be denser than atomic nuclei, yet still consist of them… Neutron stars are the smallest and densest stellar objects, excluding black holes and hypothetical white holes, quark stars, and strange stars. We still are only getting ideas for how it occurred here. Under an atmosphere of electron degenerate gas about a metre thick, they can actually have a solid crust. 4. 3. With a violent crack, the crust shifts and magnetic field lines reconnect, powering a flare. Protons and neutrons could actually form some kind of structures. Nothing we could do if it’s headed for us if we’re not ready to move yet though. 10. We will be moving some content to a new domain. The approximation used to be that a spoonful would weigh approximately the same as the entire human race! The densities and gravitational forces would not permit it to be separate. 8. As for actually detecting them using lensing, I’m not so sure. Enough babbling for now – back to work with me. And yeah — confusing, isn’t it? 3 “…As this matter fell further towards the star, it would be accelerated to a speed of around 100 million kilometres per second…” What is a Neutron Star? The fate of whatever it was that fell into the star would be to end up, unrecognisably, as neutron star matter. The Weight and Workings of a Neutron Star: | Things You Didn't Know! Incidentally, while sci-fi authors like to use the term “neutronium”, most physicists don’t really like the word. Recent simulations suggest that neutron star crust is around 10 billion times as strong as steel. Yeah, a neutron star would be nigh on unstoppable, at leaast for us. 19. Though they’re amusing nonetheless! I’m pretty sure that meant to read 100 million kilometres per hour. they are spin half fermionic particles. Despite their very high densities, neutron stars are limited to … I do know that neutron degeneracy is actually a bizarre superposition of proton and electron degeneracy (at such high pressures, they’re more stable combined as neutrons — which normally decay spontaneously into protons/electrons/neutrinos with a lifetime of around 15 minutes). That is, 100,000,000,000 times higher gravity than Earth! At this stage, the matter that was falling in from the shell of the white dwarf no longer falls in. (And feel free to stop by if ever you feel like procrastinating! It will spin down at a rate of 10-10 to 10-21 seconds for one rotation. Pretty scary stuff…. Because neutron stars have a crust, they also have periodic starquakes. Neutron stars have a radius on the order of 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) and a mass of about 1.4 solar masses. This also affects light leaving the surface of the neutron star. its pretty amazing … i heard that if you take a cubic meter of the stuff, you could fit all of humanity in it ,…… and if an object fell from just a meter, it would have accelerated to a speed of 2000 km/s before it hit the ground … if im not mistaken. yeah i didnt know that either…im actually doing a project on neutron stars in science so i needed to know a little bit about them…. The closest Neutron Star (the one that the closest to our Earth) is PSR J0108-1431 and sits at a distance of 130 parsecs (which is equal to 424 light years). 15. 14. Are You sure about that number: Fantastic post; learned a lot. The bizarre effect is that if you were to look at a neutron star, you would be able to see more than half of it at any one time! It seems more appropriate. However, if the recent study is correct, then their crust might actually be hard enough to support slightly bigger “mountains”. A Collision of Two Neutron Stars. This is anywhere between 1/3rd and ½ the speed of light which 300,000 km/s. weight No one’s quite sure what though. Pulsing stars = pulsars. From here inwards, the actual atoms start to become smaller and smaller, immersed in a superfluid sea of neutrons and electrons. They complete one rotation within a timeframe of 1.4 milliseconds to 30 seconds. #7 was the biggest shocker since I assumed that’s why they were named as such. Actually, the answer to both is to do with neutron degenerate matter (and I’ll admit, I don’t know an awful lot about that…). Neutron Stars also spin at an extremely high speed. Only one has ever been found on its own. 20. Since the Neutron Stars rotate at extremely high speed and they have extreme gravity, the spin produces strong magnetic fields. If someone somehow manages to scoop out a matchbox full of matter from Neutron Star, the weight of the matchbox will be nearly 5 trillion tons! 12. Thanks! I should really check the library for a copy of Dragon’ Egg…. Neutron stars can be dangerous because of their strong fields. Neutron stars are genuinely tiny (and it’s quite rare in astronomy to be able to say that and mean it!). Well… not entirely, anyway. So, let us begin. Oh nice! I really should try and get copies of those sometime, too! They’re only around 15-25km in diameter, which is comparable to the size of a city! In fact, neutron stars have a structure closer to planets than stars. Magnetic fields put stress on the star’s crust. If a star’s collapsed core had between 20 and 29 solar masses, it will result in a new neutron star. Over the next few days, you may notice some articles disappearing from the site.

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