
tic tac toe javascript copy and paste

} Keeping with the AI only looking 1 move ahead, the only improvement to be made is what it should do third. So, I’m going to provide some basic styling, but you aren’t going to be afraid to make it your own! alert("You Win!") else if(sqr1 == " X " && sqr5 == " X " && sqr9 == " X ") else */, /* function change_b8(form){ { Each player will take turns to choose a square. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). You’re on the right track in this game and in your life. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. I will get a commission through Amazon’s affiliate program, with no additional cost to you. More importantly, we need to make the borders visible in the appropriate locations. He will take a win when its there, and he will try to prevent a loss. Example: We are compensated for referring traffic. else if(sqr7 == " O " && sqr8 == " O " && sqr9 == " O ") You can change the world, Cheryl. Our head tag has three child tags inside of it: a title tag and two link tags. turn = 0; Finally, show a message if there is a winner and reset the game. empty3==empty5 && empty5==empty7 && empty7==0 ){ document.write('width:50px;height:50px;') If something in the code is confusing then leave a comment and I’ll do my best to explain it! document.tic.sqr6.value = " O " Of course, we need to handle the other two cases as well. The first board[0] prevents that. Let’s update our message so it shows the winner when there is a winner. { clicked = 6; function winCheck() var sqr7T = 0 reset() document.tic.sqr3.value = " O " else if(sqr2 == " X " && sqr5 == " X " && sqr8 == " X ") I received some positive feedback, so for this week’s post I decided to build a tic tac toe game using JavaScript and describe its construction in detail. Go over it again or try writing out the equivalent in if…else statements. Come up with your own improvement and build it out. In our cell click handler, we’ll handle two things. document.tic.sqr5.value = " O " Don’t forget to call that render() function once you’re all through. When you click on the “Play Again” button, the board is cleared and you can play another round of tic tac toe. } else if(sqr6 == " O " && sqr9 == " O " && sqr3T == 0 && turn == 1) else if(sqr1 == " O " && sqr3 == " O " && sqr2T == 0 && turn == 1) empty2==empty5 && empty5==empty8 && empty8==1 || form.b2.value = xo; This is one of the simplest… and dumbest way.

alert ("Joueur 2: VOUS GAGNEZ !!! onClick = change_b9(this.form)> turn = 0; document.tic.sqr2.value = " O " We store our game status element here to allow us to more easily Contact Info. Well look no further, today we’ll be building a simple (drumroll) Tic Tac Toe game. return; } Directions: Simply insert the below into { else if(sqr4 == " X " && sqr6 == " X " && sqr5T == 0 && turn == 1) Tic Tac Toe in JavaScript: We all know about this game, and we also played this many times.Today, I will show how we can create this game in some web languages like HTML, CSS & JS. { When he can’t find an obvious move to make he reverts back to the same simple ways of the moron. empty4==empty5 && empty5==empty6 && empty6==0 || } } sqr2T = 1; turn = 0; } Here we will simply change the current player and update the game status message to reflect the change. } } reset() We also varied the size of the border to get a more three dimensional look and feel. Tic-Tac-Toe is a two-player game played on a 3 x 3 grid. spot = 0 return (xo) ; t = turnchange(t) ; } He will sacrifice a win just to keep up this orderly pattern, and he will not deviate from it even to prevent a loss. { else if(sqr3 == " O " && sqr5 == " O " && sqr7T == 0 && turn == 1) } We also have an

element where we will display the beforementioned game information and a restart button. changing(clicked) ; form.b4.value = xo; {